[Gllug] WTD: Mac to VGA converveter on loan

David Balkwill dbdesign at imaginet.fr
Thu Feb 19 23:16:46 UTC 2004


Not sure if I understood your address. Hope you get this anyway.

I will happily post you a converter, and if your monitor works, I will 
happily buy you a beer if you want to give it to me.

I'll be in the UK in July if you can wait till then, or can put you up 
if you want to come for a week-end in Nantes !

David Balkwill
dbdesign at imaginet.fr

44300 NANTES


  I have a 20" Mac monitor, model M3705, also known as
  Applevision 850, that has been moving round the house
  for about 3 monts.

  I haven't even tested it so I am looking for kind soul
  while to borrow me a convertor for a couple of days.

  If it's working nicely I'll probably give it away.

  It has the usual 15pins layout, I'll be at the GLLUG
  meeting today.

  If you don't know me personally, don't be scared. :-)

formi )-(@)-> sdf-eu.org
SDF-EU Public Access UNIX System - http://sdf-eu.org

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