[Gllug] open source maps and geographical stats software

North London John northlondonjohn at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Jan 27 12:54:27 UTC 2004


I'm looking for some way to generate and present statistics 
geographically (specifically for a website running on LAMP). The idea 
is to show the global spread and usage of linux and free software.

The two parts of this are:
1: showing geographical distribution of localization and 
internationalization projects. Dots on maps basically.
2: national comparisons: Pie charts or similar, displayed over a map of 
the globe; countries coloured according to density/activity.

I'm also looking for open source maps. I personally don't need anything 
too detailed, just outlines of countries and continents, but anything I 
can freely take and adapt would be useful.

I've googled, but found nothing of any use - due, I suspect, to vague 
search terms. So terminology is also welcomed!



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