[Gllug] KiSS DP-558

Weston, Toby (ELS) T.Weston at elsevier.com
Wed Jul 21 15:44:47 UTC 2004

gllug-bounces at gllug.org.uk wrote:
> Someone has just asked me what I think of this Linux based
> DVD/Multimedia player http://www.kiss-technology.com/?p=dp558&v=press
> I've never heard of it! (And no, I probably don't get out much)
> Anyone know of, like, or otherwise have an opinion? I think it sounds
> just like a, erm, Linux running multimedia PC with a few gizmos -
> albeit a few nice 'out of the box' gizmos. Bit pricey for this boy
> though. 
> Cheers :-)
> Neil

I went for homebrew and build a MythTV box. People are starting to try and
sell pre-build Myth boxes (I think they're shuttles) for around $900, havn't
got any links but check the Myth mailing list

A friend use TiVo which he loves, although there is no support for it now
and you'll have to buy one second hand. I've seen Thompson boxes in dixons.
Expect to pay, what £200-250 for them. Both wont do music or other cool

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