[Gllug] zaurus problem

Ian Norton inorton at iee.org
Wed Jul 28 03:06:02 UTC 2004

would you be able to try somthing for me so that i can rule out damage 
to my cf system?

you can get into the sl5500's diag menu by pressing d + p and reset, can 
u try the compact flash test on page 2/3,



Holger Duerer wrote:
>>>>>>"Ian" == Ian Norton <bredroll at atari.org> writes:
>    [...]
>     Ian> format cf card as fat16, (mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/hde1)
>     Ian> copy the zImage and initrd.bin to the cf card
>     Ian> unmount it
>     Ian> put it into the zaurus,
>     Ian> press c + d and reset while plugged into AC,
>     Ian> nothing at all happens, not even a blink of an LED.
> Hmmm... sounds good to me.  I have only ever used one CF card (some
> generic card from dabs or inmac or something) and it has always
> worked.  Are you sure you press the c and d keys properly?  It is a
> bit fiddly...
> I assume, the mache *does* reset at least?  You don't mention that...
> Also: I know that you are no dummy, but just to be sure:  Can you
> confirm that the files are in the root dir of the card and are called
> 'zImage' and 'initrd.bin' -- no other extension or other
> capitalisation?
>   [...]
>   Holger

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