[Gllug] Getting Linux to work with Freeserve (Wanadoo) Broadband

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Tue Jul 6 17:05:21 UTC 2004

On Tue, 06 Jul 2004, Tethys yowled:
> Bruce Richardson writes:
>>Do we have to start listing all the advantages of XML, here?  Have
>>people really not got the point on this one?
> Yes, apparently you do. As far as I can see, XML has few advantages,
> and many downsides. For low bandwidth data interchange between
> automated systems, then yes, XML probably has its place. For anything
> manually written (or read, for that matter) by a human, it's just a
> nightmare.

And for any other application of XML, we have s-expressions: less
redundant, less ambiguous, easier to read, *and* easier to parse.

`Some people find it difficult to accept that it is not always possible
 to explain things which should be explicable.'
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