[Gllug] ATI Radeon driver woes

Garry Heaton garry at heaton6.freeserve.co.uk
Fri Jun 18 00:45:28 UTC 2004

Fedora Core 1
ATI Radeon 9600
Formac 19" LCD (default: 1280x1024)
ATI Linux driver version 3.9.0 (XFree86 4.3.0)

For the life of me I can't get this driver to work. I've followed the
instructions on the ATI website to the letter the install script only WARNed
about a tainted kernel then finalised the installation successfully.
Symlinks to fglrx.o are as they should be but every time I inspect 'glxinfo'
the OpneGL renderer string is still Mesa GLX Indirect. 'glxgears' averages
around 120 so the driver clearly hasn't installed properly or isn't being
used for some reason.

I selected mostly default options for fglrxconfig, apart from custom sync
values of course. Didn't select linking to external AGPgart modules as I
read posts that said it didn't make a difference.

Has anyone managed to get the proprietary ATI driver to work? If so, prey
tell what is the magic incantation?

Garry Heaton

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