[Gllug] Microsoft Get The Facts Seminar

Richard Hillesley richard.hillesley at ukonline.co.uk
Sat Jun 26 15:20:16 UTC 2004

On Saturday 26 June 2004 11:38, Richard Turner wrote:
> Something that Huw missed in his write-up was the MS were concentrating
> in the main on the cost of migrating from one system or another to
> Linux.  If I decide on Monday to go into work and set-up a new intranet
> server there's no cost of migrating from any OS.  I'll install Linux
> with Apache, Perl, PHP, MySQL etc. and that's that.  Free.  I'd have to
> buy another copy of a server edition of Windows that'll run IIS and SQL
> Server if I used MS technology. Any idea what Windows 2003 Server
> costs?  Indeed, how much higher spec would my server have to be to run
> it?
And what is the  comparative cost of migrating from Windows 98 to
Windows XP or Linux, which is the actual dilemma faced by a lot of SMEs?. 
There isn't much compatability between Windows 9x and current versions.

Talking desktop here.
Sun commissioned a survey on this and found that the cost of porting from 
9x to XP, was just as much, (training, porting hardware resources etc) as 
it was to port to Java Desktop. And noted that Windows always seems to 
require more support personnel on site.  

I liked the quote from the guy at Merril-Lynch who said that their greatest 
savings came from replacing the Windows infrastructure, and displacing 
the far greater numbers of  systems administrators that Windows networks 
require. “It’s the people that cost the most”, he said. “We’ve done our 
numbers, and we are a bank, so we know our numbers.”

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