[Gllug] news mirror sites

neil neilcuk at aol.com
Mon Jun 28 11:31:41 UTC 2004

Tethys wrote:

>neil writes:
>>I've been thinking about getting some friends in China access to 
>>'western news'. I should think the best way to achieve this is run a 
>>daily mirror of a few sites with alternating IP addresses to avoid 
>>blocking, with a daily list of addresses mailed out to recipients over 
>>the great Firewall of China - does anyone know if anything like this 
>>already exists?
>No, but I know of people that provide an endpoint so those in China
>can tunnel out with ssh and/or an IPSEC VPN and get a full uncensored
>That would seem to be a much better solution to me.
Yes, that is certainly a nice solution for people who are free to 
configure their connections however they wish. I failed to mention the 
intended audience will only have access via the, so called, 'internet 
cafes'. Hmm, that said - I wonder if a web based ssh client exists? - a 
quick google shows a java ssh client from u.arizona.edu. If they are 
free to run signed java applets this might be a winner...

Thanks Tet :-)

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