[Gllug] Saturday: anyone fancy installing Linux on an ibook?

Sunny Chan me at sunnychan.org.uk
Fri Mar 26 13:35:25 UTC 2004


Tushar Joshi wrote:

> But why? Mac OS X is so nice on an ibook! With mozilla,
> ichat, itunes, vlc and all your other cool linuxy type
> programs. I'm not too keen on gcc 3 on it though.

Why not? I find the UNIX environment a bit lacking on MacOSX (yes yes I 
know you can get it whatever), drivers are limited (I can't even get my 
webcam to work!), it is propietry (in a sense) and I just like to put 
Linux on everything! :-D

honestly - This ibook is a "toy" for me (only ukp499!) so it doesn't 
really matter... :-)

|Sunny Chan MEng,ACGI,RHCE also Sunny Computer Laboratory     |
|eBIT Java, IBM Hursley UK  |  "Power of Computing is yours"  |
|http://www.ibm.com/java    | http://www.sunnycomputer.co.uk  |
    me at sunnychan.org.uk ICQ UIN: 2110678 mobile: 07887 704088

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