[Gllug] GIMP (was Flash and Dreamweaver going to port for Linux)

adam at thebowery.co.uk adam at thebowery.co.uk
Wed Mar 17 12:43:51 UTC 2004

On Wed, Mar 17, 2004 at 12:18:41PM +0000, Richard Jones wrote:
> I just find it odd that people prefer to buy a product that costs a
> lot of money, rather than using one which is free and is apparently
> almost as capable.  Possible reasons:

Quite often (as I found with gfx artists) was that they were trained in
photoshop and could always find something that happened faster in photoshop
than in gimp, or a niggly UI issue that they couldn't quite get their head
around. In short they usually wanted photoshop because its what they know and
they could work faster in it than gimp, although the few people who had learnt
gimp didn't care if they were using photoshop or gimp. It was basically an
issue of time and not caring about the difference between free software and
"free software" as they were not paying for any of the tools. (and 500 quid
isn't very expensive when you consider the costs of other tools in the business
and how much movie production costs by the day)


Dictating tools to artists doesn't usually work very well, and seeing how most 
artists will usually have a Mac or Windows box on their desk in the first place
will be quite happy to spend £500 on photoshop for their respective OS and will
see no reason to go through all the hassle of change to another OS. My example
of a friend who does textile design also shows that everyone is used to 
shipping things in .PSD format and that they all use Macs they don't want any
hassle with their desktop computer or having to have a new system, although
over time this will probably change.

jabberid = quinophex at jabber.earth.li
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