[Gllug] SB Live! MIDI

Richard Turner richard at zygous.co.uk
Tue Mar 16 19:37:55 UTC 2004


I'm trying to configure MIDI playback for my SB Live! on SUSE 9, but I don't 
have the installation disc handy to grab the soundfonts and therefore let 
YaST take care of it all for me.  I have the soundfonts file though and I 
think I've loaded it into memory OK, but I have no MIDI sound.

Playing a MIDI file using KMid I can see the keyboard keys being depressed in 
the channels window so I suppose that I'm almost there but not quite.  
Googling hasn't yet provided me with a checklist of things to try (yes, I've 
checked the volume controls! :o) so any help would be gratefully received.


"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."
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