[Gllug] Flash and Dreamweaver going to port for Linux

Rev Simon Rumble simon at rumble.net
Wed Mar 17 10:51:02 UTC 2004

This one time, at band camp, Richard Jones wrote:

> Are there really areas for
> web graphic design where Photoshop is better?

Web stuff isn't the problem, and in fact in terms of scriptability
GIMP is way better.  The main problem is that Photoshop scales from
web-sized images right up to massive print-sized images.  GIMP chokes
on really big (i.e., print-sized) images.

This will remain a problem until GIMP scales from one end to the
other.  Until then, graphic designers who've been through the
"traditional" process of graphic design colleges will cut their teeth
on Photoshop.

Rev Simon Rumble <simon at rumble.net>

"If I were on life-support, I'd rather have it run by a Gameboy
 than a Windows box."
 - Cliff Wells in comp.lang.python
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