[Gllug] Bluetooth?

Pete Ryland pdr at createservices.com
Mon May 10 16:18:45 UTC 2004

On Sun, May 09, 2004 at 11:40:51PM +0100, Dylan wrote:
> Can anyone reccommend a reasonable bluetooth adaptor - most preferably 
> USB for portability but...
> Also, what's the level of expected functionality? (I'm hoping to sync 
> with my new Nokia6600)

Just be careful since a certain manufacturer's bluetooth keyboards come with
an adaptor that only works with the kayboard and not other devices.

Functionality under linux is quite good, but the user tools are a little raw
still.  Some of the things to read up on: SDP, Service Discovery Protocol,
OBEX, the OBject EXchange protocol, and bluez, the Free bluetooth stack.

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