[Gllug] OT: apache2 mod_usertrack

will will at hellacool.co.uk
Mon May 24 23:03:03 UTC 2004

I have just discovered the delights of mod_usertrack and am logging 
(nearly anyway) clickstreams.  The only problem is that it is not 
logging the cookies whenever a .pl file is run (I haven't tried other 
scripts), only for static files, here is an extract of the clickstream log: GET /images/image.jpeg HTTP/1.1 
[24/May/2004:23:39:47 +0100]
- POST /cgi-bin/script.pl HTTP/1.1 [24/May/2004:23:40:18 +0100]
- POST /cgi-bin/acript.pl HTTP/1.1 [24/May/2004:23:40:29 +0100]
- GET /cgi-bin/showcookies.pl HTTP/1.1 [24/May/2004:23:42:42 +0100] GET /styles.css HTTP/1.1 
[24/May/2004:23:54:37 +0100]

If I dump out the cookies that I have from in a perl script run by 
apache the correct cookie is clearly visible:

$VAR1 = {
           'Apache' => '',

but doesn't seem to get logged.  here is the basic mod_usertrack config 
I have:

CookieDomain .localhost.localdomain
CookieExpires "1 day"
CookieTracking on
CookieStyle Cookie2

Anyone got any ideas on this?

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