[Gllug] Good linux magazines?

John Southern john at sinoda.demon.co.uk
Tue Nov 9 20:21:46 UTC 2004

On Monday 08 November 2004 14:25, Sunil Gupta wrote:

> I am interested to know if anyone can recommend a good magazine publication
> for Linux. I have seen for example Linux User.
> If I might enquire, which magazines do you think are worth reading
> regularly. I am interested in web design and also in learning more about
> the Linux and how to use it (technical).
> Is it worth it to subscribe do you think?

As the recent Ex-editor of Linux Magazine :-) I would recommend reading some 
of the online ones such as 
LWN http://lwn.net/
Linux planet http://www.linuxplanet.com
For news portals we are spolit for choice. I guess most read
/. http://slashdot.org/
LXer http://lxer.com/
and even http://linux.co.uk/
On a lighter side NeedToKnow on a Friday is wonderful http://www.ntk.net/

Most mailing lists have a high proportion of off topic talk, but the gems of 
information are certainly worth the effort.
If you have a permanent connection then some of the IRC channels can also be 
useful collecting points for information.

For paper based magazines I would recommend Journal 
PCQuest http://pcquest.ciol.com/content/linux/default.asp
or the Americam Linux magazine http://www.linux-mag.com
These do have articles online, so if you can live with a delay, you can read 
most for free.
I have yet to find a GNU only paper based magazine.
Red Hat Magazine is going online soon https://www.redhatmagazine.com/

Subscription depends on whether it is cost effective to you. Can you get hold 
of a copy regularly and does it have enough in it every month to make it 
worth while?

As for Linux Magazine - I take full responsibility for ALL the errors.
The writers I dealt with were all knowledgeable and handed the required copy 
in on time.

With non-American paper publications, one of the problems is that they have to 
finish exactly on a page break. You also need individual columns not to start 
or end with a single line from a paragraph. This means that text is mangled, 
squeezed and abused until it fits in with the layout.
American layout tends to have the tail of an article some pages on.
Typically something like the American Reader's Digest will end each article 
block with a "continues on page nn"
This is all a matter of style.

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