[Gllug] Good linux magazines?

Dean dean.wilson3 at virgin.net
Tue Nov 9 23:42:20 UTC 2004

On Tue, Nov 09, 2004 at 08:21:46PM +0000, John Southern wrote:
> As the recent Ex-editor of Linux Magazine :-)
And a sorely missed one at that!

> I would recommend reading some of the online ones such as

I'll add these to the mix:
http://ezine.daemonnews.org/ -- always pretty good if you have a BSD

http://linuxgazette.net/ -- they have an RSS feed! The quality can vary a
bit but some of the articles are pretty good

http://www.linuxfocus.org/English/ (if you want non-English articles)

And a good resource for spotting new articles (but not limited to Linux) is the Farm at
Tucows: http://farm.tucows.com/

> or the Americam Linux magazine http://www.linux-mag.com

I'd recommend having a look at this on a month by month basis. I've
often found months when nothing seems to warrant the high cover price.

I'll also recommend sysadmin magazine. It's not beginner focused but
it's a pretty good read.

> I have yet to find a GNU only paper based magazine.

Good idea that man! ;)

> As for Linux Magazine - I take full responsibility for ALL the errors.

You must have pretty wide shoulders...[0]

[] As a previous author (and now lapsed subscriber) I feel I'm allowed
to make that joke.
Dean Wilson             http://www.unixdaemon.net
Profanity is the one language all programmers understand
  --- Anon
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