[Gllug] Java ...

Sunny Chan me at sunnychan.org.uk
Wed Oct 27 19:50:40 UTC 2004

Hi Richard,

Richard Jones wrote:

>I've been struggling to avoid using Java for the last few years, but
>I've come across a Java program which I absolutely have to run.
>The Sun "JVM" is huge, non-free and requires some weird
>Debian-incompatible installer, all reasons to avoid it.
>I tried installing kaffe, which appears to be free, but it throws some
>sort of stupid CLASSPATH error:
>$ java -cp `pwd`/TGWikiBrowser.jar:`pwd`/BrowserLauncher.jar \
>  com.touchgraph.wikibrowser.TGWikiBrowser meatball.txt \
>  http://www.usemod.com/cgi-bin/mb.pl? hypermedium 2 false
>java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: /usr/local/src/TGWikiBrowser-1/02/TGWikiBrowser/jar:/usr/local/src/TGWikiBrowser-1/02/BrowserLauncher/jar
>        at java.lang.Throwable.<init>(Throwable.java:38)
>        at java.lang.Error.<init>(Error.java:21)
>        at java.lang.LinkageError.<init>(LinkageError.java:21)
>        at java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError.<init>(NoClassDefFoundError.java:21)
>Does anyone have any idea what's happening?  The TGWikiBrowser.jar
>file exists (but not, obviously, TGWikiBrowser/jar).
>Why is so bloody hard to get these things working ...?
May I recommend IBM's Java VM , which you can find from 
http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/java/jdk/linux140. It comes in tgz 
or rpm package, and it is compatitible with Sun's implementation (we 
tested it with Sun's Compliance kit!)

I wonder why you say Sun's JVM is non-free? you want free-as-in-speech 
or free-as-in-beer? Sun's JVM is free-as-in-beer, but not GPLed....

Good luck

|Sunny Chan MEng,RHCE,MBCS also Sunny Computer Laboratory     |
|Java Tech Centre, IBM UK   |  "Power of Computing is yours"  |
|http://www.ibm.com/java    | http://www.sunnycomputer.co.uk  |
       me at sunnychan.org.uk MSN: passport at sunnychan.org.uk
                  mobile: (+44) 7887 704088

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