[Gllug] Ubuntu (Was: Re: Help !!!!)

NorthLondon John northlondonjohn at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 2 11:57:12 UTC 2004

On 2 Oct 2004, at 12:09, Steve Nelson wrote:

>> Not, it's not Debian.  Knoppix isn't Debian either, nor are any of the
>> distros that base themselves on Debian,. If it was Debian then it'd be
>> called "Debian/GNU Linux" or  similar.
> I'm yet to be convinced of any reason to try or use a debian-clone.  I
> can see individual benefits - the livecd idea, for example, but as a
> mainstream distro, I don't really see the point of 'YADC'.  Can
> someone tell what ubuntu does that Debian doesn't do?
> Steve

It's not so much about what Ubuntu can do that Debian-proper can't, but 
about priorities and aims.
Ubuntu is the distribution for humans - meaning it's meant to be usable.
This means Free (unencumbered by patents etc) just like Debian, but 
also a smooth user experience (no need whatsoever to go into the 
Command Line), and usability in terms of language and accesability.
Other aims include a regular (6monthly) release cycle, commercial 
support, being current (Gnome 2.8 is the standard desktop) - a big 
difference in organization.
Technically, there's also the devaluation of su in favour of sudo, a la 

Debian developers are being paid to work on ubuntu, patches and fixes 
being fed back.


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