[Gllug] Resolving host names from a dhcp server

Stephen Harker steve at pauken.co.uk
Thu Sep 23 23:28:38 UTC 2004

N.Pauli wrote:

> Dear All, 
> I'm using TightVNC's vncviewer to connect to VNCservers running on clients 
> on our network. What I want to do is to be able to type in the host's name 
> (e.g. it24) rather than its ip address (e.g. to be able to view 
> that station. Originally my linux box [linuxbox] had a static ip address so, 
> not unreasonably, I thought that if I want this to work linuxbox should get 
> its address via the same dhcp server as used by the stations. I made this 
> change and manually edited /etc/hosts to reflect the change but I still 
> cannot connect via vncviewer to it24 but only to Nor can I ping 
> it24 - though I can ping Dhcp clients running WindowsXP can pull 
> off this "connect to the host name" trick quite successfully. 
> Is their something here I am missing? 

Yes. Windows is probably using NetBIOS lookups to resolve names to IPs 
on the network which your linux box isn't. What is the DHCP server 
running on?

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