[Gllug] UK VoIP Provider [slightly off-topic]

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Tue Sep 21 13:43:50 UTC 2004

On Tue, Sep 21, 2004 at 11:54:45AM +0100, Simon wrote:
> Hi,
> does anyone have any experience with "small-business" VoIP providers that 
> deliver overall/complete package solutions to replace an existing PABX 
> system?

It seems to be an underdeveloped field at the moment.  There are a few
big players with proprietary systems (e.g. Mitel) and most of the
smaller outfits are resellers for them.  There are a very few small
businesses offering Asterisk-based solutions but most of those are
actually 1 or 2 person outfits and they're all very overworked as they
try to build their businesses.

Of the ones I've had to deal with recently, Telappliant seem to be
clueful and less stretched than some.



It is impolite to tell a man who is carrying you on his shoulders that
his head smells.
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