[Gllug] tips for newbie resources

SteveC steve at fractalus.com
Wed Apr 13 22:05:17 UTC 2005

So my brother has turned to the Penguin. Apparently Blender (the 3d
thing) runs some number of times more quickly on that than Windows 98.
So his machine is running 98 and knoppix dual boot for some reason, and
its a fairly new machine despite running 98.

He's at the other end of the country to us so I can't pop round to help.

In my day, there were 4000 page 'Red Hat 5.2 Explained' type books. But
that being so long ago I have no idea where to point him book or online
resource wise.

Any ideas?

I will try to get him on to his local LUG but I don't think he does
mailing lists yet.

have fun,

SteveC steve at fractalus.com http://www.fractalus.com/steve/
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