[Gllug] re: OSS CMSs

Pete Ryland pdr at createservices.com
Thu Apr 28 17:03:24 UTC 2005

On Thu, Apr 28, 2005 at 05:49:39PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
> Whitespace is, of course, significant in Python which simplifies
> things - it removes needless syntax for demarcation blocks.  It also
> eliminates indentation errors - if the code is not properly indented,
> it just won't run.  And coming back to readability, it enforces a
> single indentation style.  These are all advantages, not limitations,
> and after a short time begin to make a lot of sense.

In these ways it is good, but it also means that it isn't a (pseudo)
context-free grammar like programming languages Should Be[tm], so is more
difficult to parse (CFGs are parsable with a simple state machine).  Then
again, it's not like I have ever needed to write a python parser.

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