[Gllug] Backup Strategies onto CD-RW

Leigh Mason (Silkstream) leigh at silkstream.net
Mon Apr 18 09:53:41 UTC 2005

Hi all,

I would like some advice with backing up my /home directory onto CD-RW
(please forgive me for the barrage of questions to follow).

Firstly, I would like to perform a full backup once a week with consecutive
incremental backups each day. My copy of "Red Hat Linux 7 Unleashed"
suggests using the following for a full backup:

	tar czf backup.tgz /home

and then running the following for incremental:

	find /home -mtime 1 ! -type d | tar cT - >/dev/rmt1

- Firstly, would this be the most efficient way of accomplishing the task?
- The book goes on to mention "touching" the files before backup to ensure
that the next backup gets any files modified during the current backup. How
would I go about doing this?

At http://www.linux-backup.net/ they recommend using:

	 tar zcvf /Backup_Dir/Month_Date.Full.tgz /home (Full)
	 find /home  -mtime -1  -type f -print | tar zcvf
/BackupDir_1/Month_Date.tgz -T - (Incremental)

Are there any major differences in the results between the above two

Would I have to format the backup to ISO9660 if I backup onto CD-RW?

Many thanks in advance for your time.


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