[gllug] BBC Radio Archive

Dave Cross dave at dave.org.uk
Sun Apr 24 20:57:36 UTC 2005

On Sun, Apr 24, 2005 at 08:02:48PM +0100, Steve Nelson wrote:
> Hello chums,
> Does anyone know if it is possible (or indeed legal) to 'download' BBC
> Radio programs rather than streaming them online?

I can't comment on the legality or otherwise, but you can use mplayer
to grab a real audio stream and put it into a raw audio data file

  mplayer -dumpstream -dumpfile <some_filename> <stream_url>

And then convert that into a pcm file (creates audiodump.wav)

  mplayer -ao pcm <some_filename>

Delete the (large )raw file

  rm <some_filename>

Then use lame to convert pcm to mp3

  lame -h -v -b 112 audiodump.wav <mp3_filename>

Incidently, you might find my (slightly out of date[1] I'm afraid) list of
BBC real streams at http://dave.org.uk/streams/ to be useful.


[1] The BBC have changed their HTML (again) and I need to fix the 
spidering program to bring it into line.

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  Say it out loud it'll be ok
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