[Gllug] 1 min load average

John Hearns john.hearns at streamline-computing.com
Tue Aug 30 03:32:29 UTC 2005

On Mon, 2005-08-29 at 23:50 +0100, Minty wrote:
> is there a (easy) way to get a 1 min load average, rather than the
> 5/10/15 min one returned by uptime?
> preferably without kernel tweaking, such that I can get the 1 min avg
> while uptime remains on 5/10/15 mins settings?
> the context is:
> I have one processing box, that is being sent jobs by a second "job issue" box .
> The second box is polling the load average on the processing box, and
> throttling off if the load average on the processing box goes above 2.

Not a direct answer to your question, and also probably too cumbersome.
However might be of some use to you, or other people on the list.

You could use Sun Gridengine  http://gridengine.sunsource.net
In the jargon, the second box is a submit host and the processing box is
an execution host. Nothing stops you having a single execution host.
By default, Gridengine uses a single 'load sensor' which looks a the
load average on the execution host, and has a (configurable) limit set
to 1.75.
The time step at which the scheduler examines the load is configurable
(schedule_interval)  and the load_adjustment_decay_time is also


Its easy to configure your own load sensors (which slightly confusingly
do not have to be anything to do with load), e.g. could be free memory,
or number of free licenses

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