[Gllug] Recommended Books

Greg McCarroll greg at mccarroll.org.uk
Mon Dec 12 22:25:23 UTC 2005

On 12 Dec 2005, at 22:04, John Southern wrote:

> Can anyone recommend any other books for reference on Linux related  
> topics such as Perl or security. What do people turn to to check  
> something?

First off, hi to GLLUG, after a few weeks of lurking this is my first  
post - the topic
of computer books was too hard to resist and has drawn me out.

For Perl, If I had to name just a few,

	1) Programming Perl - Ok this is a gimme, but still its _the_  
reference beyond
	   the pod that comes with the language.
	2) I also like the Perl Cookbook as sometimes just having a good  
quality example
	   to start you off can be great. It like computer architecture, you  
need a solid
	   place to start with.
	3) Object Orientated Perl - It spells out how to write good OO code  
in Perl so
	   hopefully your Perl programs won't become 10,000 lines of spaghetti.
	   (No language wars please ;-) ).


	1) Applied Cryptography - another definitive text.


	1) Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties - not really a reference but a  
really good book
	   to help you think about getting beyond the basics of SQL and how  
you can use
	   a database to help you beyond the basic problems.

I'll stop now, but that should give you a few ideas.

Also, being a bit of a looney book nut I have a 'computer classics'  
shelf in my study
(posh name for our 2nd bedroom), and you can see the spines of my all  
time classics
in this photo.


hope this helps,


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