[Gllug] Advansys SCSI Host Adapter

Jack Bertram jack at jbertram.net
Mon Dec 5 09:50:43 UTC 2005

* Martin A. Brooks <martin at hinterlands.org> [051205 09:48]:
> Andrew Farnsworth wrote:
> >What benefits exactly does SCSI give to scanning?
> There's one I can think of: speed.  If you're doing bulk scanning, or 
> scanning large images at high resolutions then the limiting factor is 
> much more likely to the be scanner itself rather than the data bus.

It's probably worth distinguishing between cheap SCSI and expensive SCSI
though.  All scanners used to be SCSI, but there were those that came
with their own cut-down SCSI card which would drive only the scanner,
locked up the computer during scanning, and scanned very slowly.  USB
scanners (which are more modern) tend to be a good deal faster than

High end SCSI scanners have always performed well.

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