[Gllug] Tax returns on Linux

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Mon Feb 28 11:16:36 UTC 2005

> Peter Childs wrote
>    Then how come, if we break them we get in trouble. If they are only 
> guidelines it won't matter if we just happern to break or twist a few.

They only become law when they are tested in court. The Inland Revenue 
rely on the fact that most people are scared of them and wont fight 
through the courts but will just pay up. If a rule is tested in a 
court of law and the Inland Revenue win it becomes law, if they loose
they no longer have that as an option. They try to avoid the courts at 
most costs and use bully boy tactics to get people to pay.

It is illegal to evade tax but not illegal to avoid tax, despite what certain 
members of the current government may think (and no I don't want to get
into a political discussion here). If it were illegal to avoid tax you would
not be able to go to the continent to buy cheap beer and spirits and bring
it back. 

Incidentally VAT is a different matter and Customs and Excise have the 
authority to investigate and raid homes and property as they see fit. If
the inland revenue want to investigate they need a court order before they
can do anything.


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