[Gllug] GLLUG Attendance and mobs of three people.

Mark Williams mark at aziraphale.homeip.net
Sat Feb 19 13:54:34 UTC 2005

> [Next meeting]
> My first question is: will the fact the 26th is a bank holiday make
> your attendance more or less likely?

No :-).

> I'm also curious as to why the attendance has dropped so
> dramatically.  Are the talks pitched at the wrong audience? Not
> enough notice / not enough reminders?

Speaking for myself only, the problem was not the frequency or
timeliness of the announcements but the lack of detail (coupled with
laziness on my part, of course).  Having to travel in from the portion
of Greater London outside the M25, it would be helpful to have a much
clearer idea of what was going to happen.

The announcements of the most recent meetings have announced zero or
one named talks and a promise of `further details to follow'.  The
further details have not been forthcoming, either before the meeting
or after (the latter could at least encourage people to resolve not to
miss the next one).  They have left me with the impression (rightly or
wrongly) that the meeting was being held just in order to avoid losing
the venue.

> Do we want more/less "big name speakers" or home grown talent?

Is anyone going to say they want fewer of either?  TBH, I don't care
whether the talent is home grown or `big name'.

One idea that's been proposed in the past (by Zach?) but not really
come to anything (AFICT) was to maintain a list of ideas for talks on
the Wiki.  I suspect that many of us could give talks if it occurred
to us that there were topics in which other people were interested (I
always tend to think that the subjects I know about are either so
obvious that everyone will already know or so esoteric that no-one
else would want to know about).

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