[Gllug] GLLUG meetings

Bruce Richardson itsbruce at uklinux.net
Wed Feb 16 15:48:03 UTC 2005

----- Forwarded message from Dean Wilson <dwilson at unixdaemon.net> -----

From: Dean Wilson <dwilson at unixdaemon.net>
To: gllug at gllug.org.uk
Subject: GLLUG Attendance and mobs of three people.
Reply-To: dwilson at unixdaemon.net

The last couple of GLLUGs have had pretty bad attendance, but very few
people on list know this as they weren't actually there :)

The GLLUG admin team is planning to have the next GLLUG sometime in
March, possibly the 12th or the 26th. My first question is: will the
fact the 26th is a bank holiday make your attendance more or less

I'm also curious as to why the attendance has dropped so dramatically.
Are the talks pitched at the wrong audience? Not enough notice / not
enough reminders? Do we want more/less "big name speakers" or home
grown talent?

Whether you used to go to GLLUG and no longer attend or you've never
gone I'd like to know why. I'm hoping this mail will kick off an on-list
discussion but if you have any views you'd like passed on but don't want
to send out in public, send them to me and I'll ensure the admin team
gets told. Without any names being mentioned.

I'll also be at FOSDEM and the next Lonix if you'd rather say hello in a
less formal environment.



I object to intellect without discipline.  I object to power without
constructive purpose. -- Spock
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