[Gllug] Debian on Dell PowerEdge 2850

Paul Cupis paul at cupis.co.uk
Thu Feb 17 13:07:56 UTC 2005

On Thursday 17 February 2005 10:43, Dean Wilson <dwilson at unixdaemon.net> 
> Has anyone on list installed Debian on a PowerEdge 2850?
> Do you have any notes in exchange for beer? :)

Did it the other day. Use the sarge installer and you should have only 
one problem.

The PE2850 RTC doesn't like the default RTC driver in the kernel. 

To fix this, you need to make sure that the kernel used the genrtc 
driver, not rtc.

I did:

$ cat /etc/modutils/999local-rtc
alias char-major-10-135 genrtc
# /sbin/update-modules

and I think I modified /etc/modprobe.d/aliases and added genrtc 
to /etc/modules.

Anyway, one of the above did the trick. I was using kernel 2.6.


Paul Cupis
paul at cupis.co.uk

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