[Gllug] GLLUG meetings

andrew Black andrew-li at black1.org.uk
Thu Feb 17 13:45:29 UTC 2005

andrew Black wrote:

> I think that is a good idea.    I find that both Sat and weekdays are 
> sometimes fine and sometimes booked up. So the more different times you 
> try the better

I meant to add .....Have you though of a pattern like

     InstallFests + short talks on Sat
     (say n'th Sat on alternate months)

     Regular meetings on fixed weekday
     (say n'th Tues of month / alternate months )

     Social meetings (no formal tech content) on other Sat
     (or maybe the other Tues)

     Ad Hoc meetings arranged as need arises if a good speaker is in

OK - sometimes you might end up cancelling them,  a bit of a pain but 
IME fixed meetings stand more chance of happening than "when we get an 
interesting speaker" style meeting.

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