[Gllug] Biitorrent for a dummy

Tethys tet at createservices.com
Mon Jan 24 16:50:26 UTC 2005

Richard Jones writes:

>There are companies flogging devices to ISPs which (claim to) rate
>limit "peer-to-peer" traffic.  Your ISP might have one ...

You hardly need a separate device to do that. Just stick an appropriate
rule in your router and/or firewall config. For example, in pf[1]:

	queue bt bandwidth 64Kb
	pass in on $ext proto tcp port 6881:6889 queue bt

Incoming traffic on ports 6881-6889 is now limited to 64Kb/s. Naturally,
you can limit outbound traffic in the same way. IOS has similar (albeit
more longwinded) ways of achieving the same thing.

But I'm sure there are plenty of people gullible enough to spend many
thousands of pounds on separate devices to do this. As the saying goes,
a fool and his money are easily parted...


[1] Yes, OpenBSD rocks for stuff like this.
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