[Gllug] Anyone know anything about hardware ?

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Mon Jan 24 16:55:42 UTC 2005

> Firstly, please do try to keep your lines under 76 characters in length.

I shall try :-)

> Secondly, you haven't mentioned what kind of disk it is. SCSI? IDE?
> Something else entirely? Who made it? What model of disk is it?

It's a Fujitsu MPG3204AT 20 Gb IDE drive.

The recovery company in question is

I have seen a similar explanation as to the fault at other sites, both data
recovery and 
general sites.

> Apart from anything else, a data recovery company is likely to have a
> vested interest in misinforming you about the possibility of swapping
> disk controllers ;)

Hence my post here because I can't help thinking its to protect their business

The controller board looks easy to swap, a small ribbon cable connects the
board to the mechanism
and the board is fixed by easily accessible screws so physically it is not
difficult to swap.



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