OT: PC World are useless - was Re: [Gllug] OT: microdirect.co.uk reliable?

adam at thebowery.co.uk adam at thebowery.co.uk
Thu Jan 13 16:16:12 UTC 2005

On Thu, Jan 13, 2005 at 02:53:40PM +0000, Ian Norton wrote:
> \begin{rant}
> I have a rather fun PC world story, specifically, PC World in Norwich.


Thats the very same branch that don't sell thermal paste for putting
between your cpu+heatsink as I found out one night when I /really/
needed some. To make things more fun they do sell cpus and they do sell
heatsinks but neither of these come with thermal phase change pads or
thermal paste. PC World are also the shop where they try and sell USB
cables for 12 quid each, when you can buy them online for 80p each (they
are only 3 quid in Sainsburys). Although, when I got my new GeForce
6600GT card recently I ordered it online from the PCWorld components
business for less than any other supplier and it turned up next day.

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