[Gllug] How to prove a computer is overheating.

Peter Childs blue.dragon at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jan 15 07:49:14 UTC 2005

John Hearns wrote:

>On Fri, 2005-01-14 at 08:41 +0000, Peter Childs wrote:
>>	Using a normal digital theomiter the temprature in our office
>>measures 24C (actually ranges between 22 and 28 depending on location)
>>and in the server room 21C.
>21C doesn't sound to bad for a server room to me.

    As I said the computers in the server room including the thin 
clients are fine its the rest of the office thats the problem.  The rest 
of the office is hmm Single Glassed and has a temperature 24C to 28C 
Only as low as 24C if your standing in a draft. The server room is fine 
if not a bit noisy its everywhere else, Especially the desks that have 
been designed to hide equipment and cabling and hence offer no ventilation.
    I'm considering asking somone to turn the heating down by about 2°

Peter Childs

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