[Gllug] Data pots and optics

Chris Bell chrisbell at overview.demon.co.uk
Sat Jul 2 09:54:02 UTC 2005

   BT are currently upgrading their system to provide 2M/1M ADSL to the
maximum number of customers in the UK. They only provide ADSL when there is
a direct metal connection to the exchange DSLAM, and the general policy so
far has been to bypass any intermediate fibre from the exchange (TPON).
   I have not seen any indication that standard pots (sometimes known as
plain old telephone system) is likely to be replaced entirely by fibre, and
do not know what the true costs might be. BT can provide a fibre connection,
but it is expensive at present. Is this because it is not the norm, or does
fibre really cost more to install and maintain?
   There are of course other issues, such as emergency availability in case
of power failures, but I have seen solar powered devices at the roadside in
rural areas which are obviously connected to the national system.

Chris Bell

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