[Gllug] BBC Open Source

Peter Childs bluedragon at blueyonder.co.uk
Sat Jul 16 20:19:42 UTC 2005

David Damerell wrote:

>On Saturday, 16 Jul 2005, Robert Newson wrote:
>>James McGuigan wrote:
>>>1. The money goes directly to the BBC and not into a central pot - more 
>>>taxes should be like this, it means the logic behind the tax and the 
>>>benefits derived from it are directly linked. The government can't 
>>>simply double the tax because its trying to save up for its next war 
>>>with Iran.
>>Agreed: Road Tax should go on Roads, Fuel Tax should go on Fuel/Transport
>And the tax on beer should go to build breweries, I suppose?

    Hmm Well, Yes, But since drinking causes problems for peoples 
health, and public behavour the money should be spent on that (ie NHS, 
Police) Otherwise we would be spending Smokers Tax on building more 
places to make ciggerates.... Sorry had to you logic just did not work.

>The trouble with this idea, which ought to be evident to anyone with
>half a brain, is that a lot of government activities don't have any
>convenient place to attach a hypothecated tax; and in many cases it
>makes perfect sense to permit the Government to reshuffle funding to
>represent changes in requirements.

    While I sort of agree with this statement, I also can not stand 
indirect taxation (Like National Insurance). I think that taxation of 
any sort should follow one underling principle, and that is KISS (Keep 
It Simple Stupid) If you have never heard that principle look it up in 
pritty much any programming text book. Currently taxation in this coutry 
is so complex that nobody actually understands it.

Peter Childs
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