[Gllug] Tip: Scripting passwd

James McGuigan james at worldfuturecouncil.org
Wed Jul 13 16:44:36 UTC 2005

I was trying to create a script to automate account creation via a web 
form, and this point had me stumped for a few hours, so I thought I'd 
share it with you.

The linux passwd command has a bug whereby it prompts for input before 
its ready to receive the data. This is due to a bug in an library 
function, so it also affects other passwd like commands (such as 
PureFTP's pure-pw command). AFAIK the bug only affects linux, and not 
*BSDs nor other UNIXs.

The solution is to add a short wait before sending each input. Google 
suggests using an expect script to do this, but it can also be done just 
as easy through the shell

user='james'; pass='secret';
(for i in 1 2; do sleep 0.1s; echo $pass; done;) | \
sudo -u root passwd $user

Note: this assumes you have setup the specific lines in the sudoers 
file. Its a bad security risk to allow user www-data to sudo to root.
However for non system accounts (like pureftp virtual accounts), you can 
create an ftpadmin account, give it write permissions on 
/etc/pure-ftp/pureftpd.passwd + /etc/pure-ftp/ (for pureftpd.passwd.tmp)

Then add this to the sudoers file (which is an acceptable risk):

Cmnd_Alias PUREDB_USERADD=/usr/bin/pure-pw useradd *
www-data   ALL=(ftpadmin)NOPASSWD:PUREDB_USERADD

Rules are written for those who lack the ability to truly reason,
But for those who can, rules become nothing more than guidelines,
And live their lives governed not by rules but by reason.
      - James McGuigan

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