[Gllug] x.org 6.8.2 and backspace

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Wed Jun 22 22:37:40 UTC 2005

On Wed, 22 Jun 2005, Richard Jones yowled:
> I upgraded to X.Org 6.8.2 and everything works well, except the bloody
> backspace-generates-^H bug-from-hell which I remember last affected
> Unix workstations circa '92 has reappeared!

What key does xev say is generated when you hit backspace? If it's not
BackSpace, the problem is Xkb (unlikely, but I've seen it happen):
otherwise, it's readline and/or the terminal emulator to blame.

`It's as bizarre an intrusion as, I don't know, the hobbits coming home
 to find that the Shire has been taken over by gangsta rappers.'
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