[Gllug] Graduates paying for IT training before employment

Richard richard_c at tpg.com.au
Wed Jun 1 13:19:47 UTC 2005

Steve Nelson wrote:

>I should clarify.  We don't do so many training courses.  The company
>does, however, encourage people to obtain professional certification
>in their areas of expertise.  This is, I think, less about the value
>of the qualification to the employer than it is about badges for the
>sales droids to show to their prospects.
My company does a lot of training courses, but only so that they can either:
a) give the sales droids something to flog.
b) assure their "technology partners" that some people are remotely 
familiar with their product's particular mangling of common 

It is worth noting that "fitness for purpose" is only one of the 
elements (and rather minor at that) that defines a "technology partner" 
in a large consultancy.

Leave your ideals by the door, please. Yes, just by your hopes and 

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