[Gllug] [OT] tree spanning algorithms/libraries

Richard richard_c at tpg.com.au
Wed Jun 29 14:12:37 UTC 2005

Tethys wrote:

>Use a declarative language like Prolog, and let it handle the details
>for you...
I'm not so sure, every line of "declarative" Prolog has to include very 
careful consideration of it's run-time behaviour. Consider the cut (!) 
predicate; or the complexity of the solution to the general 'family 
tree' problem in Prolog, and how you demonstrate a 'cousin' relationship 
in Prolog.

Don't get me wrong, Prolog can be quite handy for some problems, once 
you get used to wrapping your head around the lead pipe that is 
declarative programming.

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