[Gllug] Web hosting

Mike Leigh mike.leigh at hornbill.com
Wed Jun 1 08:22:19 UTC 2005

Ian Norton wrote:
> When I had a re-seller account with fasthosts they were the 
> biggest bunch of monkeys ever, the support people would often 
> say things like "you cant get on our ftp server because you 
> aren't using internet explorer"...
This I have heard rom other people.  I have not yet met any of those support
people during my conversations/emails with them.
> While experimenting with ASP (spit) I noticed thier ASP 
> test/tutorial server had the old ASP upload/download bug 
> where you could use thier example scripts to 
> upload/download/overwrite any file on thier system. A 
> friendly email pointing out that the server was vulnrable 
> resulted in a rather nasty email threatening termination of 
> our account*. They even went as far as saying that it was not 
> a security issue and that resellers had access to that machine...
Hhmm they could have responded differently on that.  Like thanks for that
info we will correct it or something more appropriate :)

Well I have not had a reseller account and before I chose fasthosts I did my
usual Google hunting for bad reviews.  I found that most of these bad
reviews were over 2 years old and there was not very much recently.  So I
decided to take the plunge and pay for a years dedicated hosting.  So far
their support/uptime has been/is better than my existing host.  I am still
moving domains/dns entries to fasthosts and from what I have seen first hand
I can honestly praise fasthosts.  This is from a dedicated server point of
view as I have not dealt with them for reseller accounts or shared hosting.

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