[Gllug] Dead PC :-(

Wiehe, Simon simon.wiehe at csfb.com
Mon Mar 7 09:52:26 UTC 2005

My PC (ABIT NFS7-S, Athlon XP 3200+) has been working fine for ages, apart
from a small hitch with temps a few months back sorted with some extra case
cooling fans and a big heatsink. I went to bed last night leaving it
processing some home video footage and when I got up this morning it was
'dead'. The Red LED on the motherboard that comes on when power is connected
is still on but the power switch does nothing. The fans do not even spin up.

Can anyone make some suggestions to what the problem is. If it was PSU I would
have thought the LED would be off as well, if it was CPU surely the fans would
spin up.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.



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