[Gllug] Best single CD Linux distro

Russell Howe rhowe at wiss.co.uk
Mon Mar 21 16:33:53 UTC 2005

On Mon, Mar 21, 2005 at 03:54:35PM +0000, Minty wrote:
> Given the swapping, when I get some time, I plan to replace the 4200
> RPM disk with a snazy new fast one

I would consider whether cooling would be a factor here...

It may be that your laptop case is not going to cool a faster drive
(which will probably produce more heat...) sufficiently, and reliability
will suffer as a result.

I've never seen any evidence of this, of course...

Also, a faster drive's likely to be more power-hungry, although to what
extent this will affect the battery life of the machine, I don't know (I
suspect the screen backlight and CPU would take more juice).

Drive manufacturers produce detailed spec sheets for their drives, so
it's always possible to see power consumption stats for different modes
of operation, and you can usually get thermal dissipation values, too.

Russell Howe       | Why be just another cog in the machine,
rhowe at siksai.co.uk | when you can be the spanner in the works?
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