[Gllug] MP3/Ogg to AAC

Richard Turner richard at zygous.co.uk
Thu Mar 17 23:34:02 UTC 2005


Can anyone recommend an encoder for converting from either MP3 or Ogg
Vorbis to AAC? I want to crunch down the size of a track before
transferring it to my mobile's memory - transfer over Bluetooth take a
while and, of course, memory on my mobile is at a premium - but it seems
my Google mojo has deserted my :(

Failing a quick and painless way to convert from either of these formats
can anyone recommend a raw encoder instead? I'd prefer not to have to
rip the tracks again just to convert to AAC but if that's the only

If there are plug-ins for common Gnome apps that will do this stuff so
much the better ;)


"Racing turtles, the grapefruit is winning..."

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