[Gllug] Logo as a first language

Ian Norton bredroll at darkspace.org.uk
Thu Mar 3 19:05:48 UTC 2005

On Thu, Mar 03, 2005 at 06:44:29PM +0000, John Southern wrote:
> Does anyone remember logo? Not icons, but the programming language.
> Having collected my youngest from school, I find that as a four year old, she 
> is being taught how to program a Roamer turtle 'bot in logo.
> My question is, apart from school turtles, is anything ever written in logo?
> Also what would be the idea programming language you would learn if you had to 
> start all over again today?

I remember when logo was about in my school, I didnt use it mind, some of my
other friends did, they seemed to get the hang of it. 

My first language was actually fast basic on the Atari ST. Then after that i
messed about with STOS basic. actually made a couple of little games. one were
you drive a little tank about with a mouse on a little map, and make it shoot
other tanks. the other where (in true Operation Wolf spirit) you shoot moles on
a golf course.

After that, I did my IT A-Levels and GCSEs. and consequently didnt really touch
a computer in my computing classes. 

STOS taught me alot about programing without scope and using goto vs gosub and
all that. (STOS is basically the same as BBC BASIC but has alot of graphic
capability like sprite handling and collision interrupts)

If I were starting today, I would probably like to start with a shell scripting
language like csh. from there the launch to perl or C arent that painful.

that said, Ive often seen people who start on Java who get introduced to plain
C and go 'ohhhh, that makes much more sense"

         csh -> Perl -> C / C++ (and maybe java just for the sake of it)
Ian Norton-Badrul

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