[Gllug] Re: restrictions (Was..Gates to get knighthood)

Christopher Currie ccurrie at usa.net
Sat Mar 5 13:47:53 UTC 2005

On Friday 04 March 2005 17:04, gllug-request at gllug.org.uk wrote:

[In fact]

on : Fri, 4 Mar 2005 17:04:52 +0000
 Richard Jones <rich at annexia.org> wrote

> .  This was found to be illegal in 1995, but
> by then the monopoly was established, and the legal remedies were
> toothless anyway.
> The same situation actually prevails today, although it appears that
> the agreements are now merely informal.  Dell, for instance, gets
> plenty of kickbacks from Microsoft for shipping Windows on Intel only.
> The kickbacks are now called marketing incentives, but the same
> situation applies.

I notice that Dell's advertised PCs are sold with 'Windows XP Home Edition', 
but 'Dell recommends Windows XP Professional'.

Has anyone asked them why they supply an OS they don't recommend, and don't 
supply the one they do?


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