[Gllug] how to kill

Nix nix at esperi.org.uk
Fri Mar 18 15:54:48 UTC 2005

On Wed, 16 Mar 2005, David Damerell stated:
> On Wednesday, 16 Mar 2005, mimo wrote:
>>I guess everybody knows this bash thing where you can press CTRL Z and 
>>the current process goes to sleep (which is sometimes the only way to 
>>get out of some stuck thing). Later on you can list your sleeping 
>>processes with jobs command. Odd thing I always found is that they are 
>>numbered 1,2,3,.. Now obviously, doing kill 1 is not a good idea, esp. 
>>when you are root. Nevertheless, kill -- just invoked like this -- says 
>>pid or jobid. But doesnt say how you specify the jobid. Tried [1] -- 
>>didnt work. Anyone?
> kill %1
> Also "bg 1" or "fg 1" to restart that job in the background/foreground.

Also `jobs -l', and finally there's kill -STOP, -kill -TSTP (*exactly*
the same as hitting Ctrl-Z, but blockable, unlike STOP), and kill -CONT.

> ...Hires Root Beer...
What we need these days is a stable, fast, anti-aliased root beer
with dynamic shading. Not that you can let just anybody have root.
 --- John M. Ford
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