[Gllug] Strange download effect

John Winters john at sinodun.org.uk
Fri May 20 08:41:14 UTC 2005

On Fri, 2005-05-20 at 09:32 +0100, Chris Bell wrote:
> Hello,
>    I am trying to download CD images using Jigdo. My local mirrors provide
> many of the files, any remainder are collected using an alternate address
> provided by the downloaded template and jigdo files. The fallback, from
> ( us.cdimage.debian.org/cdimage/snapshot/Debian/ repeatedly
> starts fairly fast, rapidly slows to a crawl, then timeouts.

That's our old friend open.hands.com.  It went through a phase a few
weeks ago of being very slow at downloads and it seems to be happening
again now.

I mirror a small subset of the debian mirror each night (at 1 a.m.).
Usually it takes no longer than 15 minutes or so, but last night the job
ran from 1 a.m to 6 a.m. and got no more than a handful of files.  (The
job is killed at 6 because that's when my ISP starts metering usage.)

According to Phil, open.hands.com is/was experiencing some periods of
very heavy load due to jobs running on it.  I'd give it a day or two and
see whether the sluggishness passes.


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